Threat of Banishment and Burning the Papal Bull of Excommunication (1520-1521)Luther Distances Himself from the PapacyBecause of constant attacks from the Roman Church, Luther was forced to shape his ideology into an autonomous theology. During the years 1520-1521 he worked on the three great works "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation", "The Babylonian Captivity" and "The Freedom of the Christian Man", thereby emotionally cutting himself off from Rome.The inquisition against Luther was taken up again in 1520, partly because of these works. The peak of the inquisition came on June 15, 1520, with the Papal Bull of excommunication in which Luther was ordered to recant his teachings. Burning the Papal Bull of Excommunication and Excommunication Luther reacted in protest. He burned the Papal Bull ("Exurge Domine") along with the book of church law and many other books by his enemies on December 10, 1520 in Wittenberg where the Luther Oak (Luthereiche)!> stands today. He is said to have yelled: "Because you, godless book, have grieved or shamed the holiness of the Father, be saddened and consumed by the eternal flames of Hell". This behavior caused a conclusive and irrevocable break with Rome. On January 3, 1521 the Pope excommunicated Luther. The Emperor, however, felt forced to accept Luther because of the pro-Luther mood in the empire and because of the influence of various princes who were hoping to weaken the Pope's political influence through Luther. As a result, the rebel was guaranteed safe escort on his trip to the Imperial Diet of Worms. |