The character of Luther's writings and speeches as well as his
relationship to his environment changed drastically during his
lifetime. Luther's life can be divided into four major phases.
The first phase of Luther's life which encompasses his
university studies
and his time as an
Augustinian monk
is characterized by his search for religious understanding. Luther was
living as a university professor in Wittenberg at this time.
When he finally reached the understanding he was searching for, he
realizes that there are many problems in the world and the church.
He rebels
against the abuses
of the church and his actions spark strong reactions.
Luther hides at the Wartburg on the orders of his
Elector, Frederick the Wise.
The Reformation has caught on with some of the most
powerful people and is unstoppable. Luther is able to return to
Wittenberg to fight
his adversaries
and put his ideas into
During the last years of his life, Luther is no less active, but
and an inclination towards sudden
outbursts of rage
can be seen in the works and speeches of the aging reformer.
Short Biography